• Type

    Randomised controlled trial

  • Outcomes/Outputs

    Research impacts on vegetable intake,Research impacts on vegetable knowledge/awareness,Research creates behaviour change relating to vegetable consumption

  • Scale


  • Setting

    Childcare Kitchen

  • Population targeted

    Children - early years 6m-4yrs

  • Focus

    Vegetable consumption

  • Duration

    Medium (1-5 years)

  • Funding

    Funding source 1

  • Total cost

    Moderate ($50-200k)


The overall aim was to improve vegetable intake among preschool children in a kindergarten-based randomized controlled trial


The intervention aimed to increase the frequency, variation and amount of vegetables eaten by 3-5 year olds by changing the practices related to the four determinants; vegetable availability, accessibility, encouragement and role modelling by kindergarten staff and parents through a multi-component intervention.


A 5 month, kindergarten-based, family involved multi-component intervention to promote vegetable consumption among 3-5 year olds, evaluated at 6-months (intervention end) and after 1 year. 1. Training of kindergarten staff: study rationale, practical training in kitchen making vegetable soup & vegetables with dip, theoretical session about research and practical ideas related to the 4 determinants, preparing action plans according to needs & possibilities of the kindergarten. 2. Welcome package for kindergarten staff - vegetable recipes, practical ideas for cooking food and involving children, poster, brochures, aprons, information about guidelines, hand blender 3. Welcome package for the parents - study rationale, vegetable recipes and ideas for changing 4 determinants, post-its with slogans, booklet for children 4. Website with materials for staff and parents 5. Facebook group 6. Booster activities for kindergarten staff (x2) and parents (x2).

Journal article: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-019-7436-3