• Type

    Randomised controlled trial

  • Outcomes/Outputs

    Research impacts on vegetable intake,Research impacts on vegetable knowledge/awareness,Research creates behaviour change relating to vegetable consumption

  • Scale


  • Setting

    Preschool,Primary School

  • Population targeted

    Children - early years 6m-4yrs,Children - primary 5-12ys

  • Focus

    Healthy eating

  • Duration

    Short (<1 year)

  • Funding


  • Total cost



A cluster-randomized controlled-trial examined the effect of a school-based comprehensive intervention on nutrition knowledge, eating habits, and behaviors among low socioeconomic status school-aged children


The primary objective was to improve the children’s nutritional habits; the secondary objective was to increase participants’ nutritional knowledge and levels of physical activity.


Comprehensive school-based intervention focused on healthy lifestyle during a school year (10 months). Intervention arm received nutrition classes for children, mothers and teachers, and physical activity classes for children. The control arm received physical activity only. The 3-month intervention targeted children, mothers and school teachers, and was designed to enhance children's nutritional knowledge and promote mother's adoption of healthy feeding habits, while considering food affordability constraints. Three lessons for parents were delivered by dietitians and economists specializing in family budget planning. Parents received a weekly newsletter that paralleled the information offered to the children the same week. Children participated in 10 weekly nutrition sessions (45 mins) delivered by a dietitian. Teachers received training to enhance the intervention effects (e.g., reinforcement of key messages about eating healthy packed lunch) and health leadership training.

Journal article: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/8/4/234