How was VegKIT funded?
This project was funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
Who led the VegKIT project?
This project brought together science and industry with CSIRO, Flinders University and the National Nutrition Foundation (formerly Nutrition Australia Vic Division) working together to deliver an integrated approach to improving vegetable consumption by educating children, training educators and engaging with industry, using evidence-based best practice guidelines. Healthy Kids Association, Perfection Fresh and Thomas Farms Kitchen were involved in the project supporting interventions in canteens and childcare setting.
Why are VegKIT resources focused only on increasing the vegetable intake in children? It seems as if all age groups in Australia are not consuming enough vegetables.
Childhood is when a love for vegetables can be fostered. Increasing children’s vegetable intake can also have ripple effects to increase vegetable intake in families.
There seems to be a number of initiatives that focus on improving children's nutrition, how is VegKIT different?
VegKIT was built on an understanding of how children develop preferences for foods. VegKIT partnered with industry and public health stakeholders and also has a wide range of activities that include tools for community usage and community initiatives.
How can VegKIT help me?
VegKIT delivers resources for educators, health professionals and research agencies. The resources include best practice guidelines for designing and implementing initiatives to increase children’s vegetable intake, an online resource registry of evidence-based initiatives that promote vegetable consumption in children, a cross-sector alliance to facilitate collaboration - the Vegetable Intake Strategic Alliance (VISA) - and reliable dietary advice for maternal, infant and early childhood years.
Can we help you with anything else?
If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.